Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gyprock almost done!

Well, I have finished putting up the gyprock on the kitchen walls, and have started flushing them, still have a way to go there but looking much better with walls!

Also replaced laundry taps so we can do some much needed washing :) Congrats to J & E & H on their house!!!! Very exciting!! Next we need to remove remaining plaster on the bathroom walls and install villa board and make it pretty....and water proof! And on top of that, we have moved in. So you can imagine the state of the house without a kitchen or bathroom or wardrobes for that matter....and all our stuff!!!!!! :) But as the days go by it is getting better :) The backyard is a shocking state with all the waste from kitchen and bathroom in a pile and I have had no time to do any yardwork apart from the first mow some days ago now...but anyways life is good!!

Well heaps more to do now better go!! :)

Slippery Out!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Work Progress Report 1.01

Well, a little more has been accomplished this week....

The new front door has been installed, the bedrooms have been painted (although Sarah's may need another coat), the electrician has been and installed a new powerpoint circuit of five points with a seperate rcd in the kitchen to be connected to the mains when the gyprock is done, waiting on the plumber to come next week and move sink pipes and install a new cold pipe for the dishwasher, but I can begin to install gyprock on the other walls in the kitchen asap...oh also removed the old exhaust fan in the kitchen and patched the hole, one final coat of filler to go...Nao is back from Melbourne and kids are on holidays now
:) so thing are looking up....sort of...

Still got to move from Bullsbrook to Kalamunda....DOH!

Anyways I am never happy with nothing to do....

Slippery Out!

Monday, December 8, 2008

More progress

Managed to strip the kitchen completely of plaster today including the cornices. John came around and helped for a while which really helped move me along!! Thanks! Also arranged both the electrician and plumber, oh and am picking up the new front door tomorrow, must remember to get the new lock keyed to the same as the new back door lock..now have to finish cleaning up the ceiling edges for the new gyprock walls and new cornices so they can sit flat and neat.
Utterley stuffed now...kids watching a vid, time to veg...

Slippery Out!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Asbestos Free!

The asbestos removal dude has finally come after much stuffing around, and has removed hopefully all the asbestos from our house in Kalamunda. Mum, Louise and I think Elizabeth and Hannah went and met the man who was very late, so thanks to them!! :) The kitchen and bathroom now look like a construction zone and I am left deflated and depressed (just a little) at the thought of how much I have to do now before Christmas.

Apart from gyprocking the kitchen and paneling in the bathroom I am also building the kitchen and bathroom cuboards painting and replacing the front door, oh and just moving an entire house load of belongings from our current Bullsbrook rental house......duhhh...

So now have to organise a electrictian and plumber to visit asap chase up the door supply mob, learn how to gyprock paint rooms build cuboards hang doors move and look after kids oh and of course deal with the whole Chritmas thing and try to stay sain....

I used "stay" in the last paragraph loosely... :)

Slippery Out!

A Visit to the Pinnacles

Well I took a couple of days off from the house this weeked and headed for the pinnacles to take some photos. I have never been there before and am not sure if I will go again!

Yep its a lot of limestone rocks sticking up out of the desert sand, and can be somewhat photographic.If you let them, the Nambung National Park staff will explain that the formations are some millions of years old yadayadayada I was'nt really paying attention. I tend to tune out when people rattle on about their religon of evolution and the inevitable millions of years that are required to make it all sound more reasonable to some, I know that it's all a load of old wombat intestines. I took about 112 photos, the conditions were not ideal, there was very little cloud around for the sunsets etc but I think I managed a few interesting shots...

tired now must sleep...ahhhhh real bed!!....no ticks :)
More complete set of photos from the pinnicles on my flickr site...(http://www.flickr.com/photos/slipperyjim17/)
Slippery Out!