The Age of the Earth and the universe.
Evidence for a young Earth is mutual evidence for Biblical creation, because evolution requires many millions if not billions of years if it were possible at all, which I believe it is not.
Here are some facts that point to a young Earth and Universe.
Carbon-14 has not yet reached equilibrium in our atmosphere.
Polystate fossils found world wide breaching layers of sediment supposedly millions of years old.
Non fossilised flesh on dinosaur bones supposedly millions of years old.
Not enough salt in the sea for millions of years of
erosion etc.
The continents should already have
eroded flat if the Earth were millions of years old.
The rate of decay of the Earth's magnetic field.
The fact that the moon is moving away from the Earth at a rate of one inch per year.
Very low numbers of supernovas.
There is much more like this that you will not find the science teachers telling
their students...
There is more than enough evidence above alone that should bring a doubt to your mind about
the "Theory of Evolution".
I will continue to post on the subject...:)
Slippery Out!