Thursday, September 6, 2012

Motorised Bicycle - Part 2 The Fine Tuning

Well, got the beast going! A little learning curve involved, however once going it's not tooo bad... For the advertised 80cc, it's way below the power I anticipated... Not sure if that's just because the engine is so agriculturally made with little development behind it when compared to a motorcycle from Honda for example, or just because it's not yet run in....(documentation says about 500km), hmmmmm not sure if the whole thing will last that far :) Anyways, with the mindset that it is a "motor assisted" bicycle and not a motorcycle, I have found it to be great! With a little pedaling it screams along. Feels quiet unsafe at speed. Think the bicycle front end is pretty crap...may have to change the forks... Pics sure to follow soon :) Slippery Out!

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