From time to time I begin a story, it usually dosent get far but some are of interest to me..
The World Below
By Slippery Jim © 2008
Chapter One
Jane looked out to the grey world, through the window streaked with rain. Far below, thousands of umbrella's marked the morning passage of the city's people. She liked it this way. Dark and gloomy. It seemed to suit her mood. She dressed slowly by the window watching the rain run on it's surface, her favorite overcoat and scarf going over a plain dark dress. The same dress she always wore to work. A piece of toast in mouth and a juice in her hand, Jane headed for the elevator. Stopping at a news stand Jane bought the paper, and a pie for her boss Richard. Making her way through the crowded streets, Jane walked to the sixth street stop and caught the 855 for Newcastle street and Richard's private lab. Jane gave a bleak smile to the doorman as she swiped in. Pushing through the office door Jane dropped the paper and the pie on Richards messy desk and went in search of him in the lab. Jane found the lab in a state of disarray. The chalk board full curious writing and chalk dust covered the floor. But of Richard there was no sign. Jane waited for an hour and called Richard's home, but there was no answer. Jane called the company, and they told her to go home, and that they would call when they found Richard. Returning home a little wet from the incessant rain Jane found a letter from Richard in her mailbox. She opened without thinking and read aloud to herself.
Richard Thagden
6th April
Dear Jane,
I am writing to you because it is the only way I can communicate to you what I have discovered about this universe. I am very close to a working understanding of it's mechanics and I know that the moment I do truly understand, I will cease to be. As soon as I know, I will be gone. You see, in this universe you are the only real thing. It is possible that yours is the only existence, but I would like to believe that there are others too. I am not sure if this is the way it has always been or if something that I have done in my experiments has made a difference. However from now on you can, if you believe, change everything. I am sorry I cannot be there to help you understand but I am no longer part of your universe, don't bother looking for me I cannot be found.
P.S If you receive this letter and I am not missing, please don't tell everyone that I am mad.
P.S If you receive this letter and I am missing, expect another.
Fond Regards Richard
It was not signed. Jane sighed, this may not be “normal” behavior for Richard, but she had learned to expect the unexpected when dealing with Richard. It never once entered her head that he may be right, confused or socially challenged for sure but this was simply crazy. Jane stayed in her apartment for the next few days sure that Richard was playing some weired joke on her that only he would understand and would call sooner or later. Jane watched the world go by beneath her window.
End of Post for now.. :)