Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bathroom Begins

Well it's a little late but here is the bathroom update!
I decided that while I was waiting for the kitchen top and doors to arrive from Proform, I would begin on the bathroom so that we could have a much needed shower! Well that was about a week ago now, and things have been moving on. I finished stripping the old plaster from the walls and ceiling and got my favourite plumber in to remove the old basin and pipes.

I then bought a fair bit of aquacheck gyprock (the wet area version) and prepped the studs etc and began to line the room. Well that was days ago, and all the gyprock is in. The electrician came yesterday and fitted the new heat lights to the ceiling and mirror light on the wall above where the vanity will go(something else I have to make :)

The jobs left at this point are finish the cornices (2 done so far) and flush all the joints, and woe is me, begin the tiling (sob). I don't like tiling very much and tried to get out of it by trying to convince Nao to go for the imitation tile board from laminex or parbury's. However the cost of these boards is just crazy....about $240 for a 2.4 x 1.2 sheet. By my estimate that's about four times more expensive than tiles....just mad! So I could not even convince myself that it was worth the extra expense. I also read on a forum that the boards wear stuff that! Tiles it is...
So there ya have it, I will post some pics shortly of all the excitement.... :)

Slippery Out!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Willingly ignorant - 2 Peter 3:5

Lately I have been watching a series of videos by Answers in Genesis' Ken Ham. I have found them to be very good with a strong biblical foundation. One point that has stuck in my head today is from the video "Is there really a God?" Ken remarks on the irony of the Seti project.
When the first pulsar was found in July 1967, the scientists immediately thought that the pulsing signal was alien they even called it LGM-1 for "little green men".

Musing on this for a while Ken points out that when scientists look at DNA, the code of life extremely complex (Our entire DNA sequence would fill 200 1,000-page New York City telephone directories -100 Facts About DNA by Dr. Hsien-Hsien Lei) they say that it happened by chance, But they get a simple pulsing signal and immediately they point to little green men...thats just not smart thinking is it!

DNA is a witness for the majesty of God.
A hugely complex set of information, a blue print, detailed instructions for the machines of life to read and obey, already existing machines. What use is detailed information with no one to read it, or understand it. Yet another chicken or the egg problem for the evolutionist.....
A set of super complex beautifully designed and constructed plans straight from God for us to see.

2 Peter 3:5
For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water

I can see in the future when we have much larger problems than global warming and the fight against evolution namely the enforced culture of Islam that is spreading alarmingly fast across the world, that we will look back and wonder how anyone could believe that super detailed information could be added by accident into the genome. Thats just dumb!
Evolution is, to use Jeremy Clarkson's expression "Absolute rubbish!" it's got nothing!

In the end those that are willingly ignorant will see the light of the God that they deny...
Maybe we will hear a few...."DOH!"s or "you were right..." anyway if we dont keep telling who we can, maybe thay won't here the creation truth from anyone else....lets face it, the Muslim's are'nt going to tell anyone, they will just just keep doing something :)

I read the book, we win!
Slippery Out!